3 Home Remedies For Cleaning Faux Fur Steering Wheel Covers


Faux fur steering wheel covers have surged in popularity among vehicle owners, and for good reason.

They add a touch of elegance and comfort, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your car’s interior. However, it’s not just about looking good.

Maintaining a clean steering wheel cover is also crucial for hygiene, as it is frequently in contact with your hands.

This article will guide you through three simple home remedies for cleaning your faux fur steering wheel covers, ensuring they stay as pleasing to the eye as they are to the touch.

Faux Fur Steering Wheel Cover Stains

As a proud owner of a faux fur steering wheel cover, I’ve been there, staring at a spot on it and figuring out what it is and how it got there.

Over time, I’ve discovered that the most common culprits include dirt, oil, and the occasional food spill.

Faux fur demands specialized care, unlike traditional leather or vinyl steering wheel covers. Its unique texture and material are prone to hold onto stains, making them more visible and potentially damaging the material if not treated appropriately.

Nothing is more disheartening than a once fluffy, bright steering wheel cover that looks dull and stained.

Types of Stains

For a better understanding, let’s dive into the different types of stains and their origins.

  • Dirt Stains:

We can’t deny our hands aren’t always clean when we get behind the wheel. Whether after a day at the park or a quick run to the grocery store, our hands can bring dirt onto our beloved faux fur steering wheel cover.

After a grueling gardening day, I once hopped right into my car and drove to the pet store. Only later did I realize the marks my muddy hands had left on the steering wheel cover.

  • Oil Stains:

Our skin naturally produces oils, which can transfer onto the faux fur covering during your drives.

Also, if you’re like me and often eat on the go, you might have grease spots from that delicious fast food.

  • Food Stains:

Speaking of food, yes, I am guilty of occasionally having breakfast or a quick snack in my car.

There was this one incident with a particularly juicy apple, and let’s say my steering wheel cover didn’t appreciate the natural apple juice as much as I did.

A deeper understanding of these stains will help you determine the best cleaning solutions for your faux fur steering wheel cover. So let’s keep our wheel covers clean and our drives enjoyable!

What Not to Use for Cleaning

It’s crucial to remember that not all clean agents are created equal, especially regarding faux fur. From personal experience, I can tell you that using harsh chemicals is a no-go.

Once, in an attempt to remove a stubborn oil stain, I thought using a strong cleaning solution would do the trick.

Instead, it damaged the material, leaving my precious steering wheel cover looking faded and rough – a far cry from the soft, plush faux fur it once was.

  • Caution against harsh chemicals damaging faux fur:

Harsh cleaning agents, such as bleach or ammonia-based solutions, can damage the faux fur fibers, reducing their softness and causing it to mat. So, I learned the hard way that these products are to be avoided.

  • Potential adverse effects on texture and color:

The wrong cleaning products can also cause discoloration and fading. My poor steering wheel cover went from a vibrant shade of pink to a dull, unattractive hue after my cleaning mishap.

Prevention Tips

As the old saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” This couldn’t be more accurate regarding maintaining the beauty of a faux fur steering wheel cover. Here are some tips I’ve picked up along the way:

  • Measures to prevent stains:

Always ensure your hands are clean before getting behind the wheel. I’ve made it a habit to keep hand sanitizer or wipes in my car for this very purpose. Trust me, this little step goes a long way in keeping those dirt and oil stains at bay.

  • Regular maintenance for a longer lifespan:

As you regularly wash and care for your favorite fluffy sweater, your steering wheel cover needs that same love and attention.

I’ve found that a gentle, regular cleaning routine helps maintain the plushness of the faux fur and prolongs its life. So, remember – a little care goes a long way!

3 Home Remedies for Cleaning Faux Fur Steering Wheel Covers

1. Mild Soap and Water Solution

A mild soap and water solution is one of my go-to methods for cleaning my faux fur steering wheel cover. Here’s how I do it:

  • Preparation

First, I mix a few drops of mild soap with warm water in a large bowl. Baby shampoo or a gentle detergent is usually my first choice – they’re designed to be soft on materials!

  • Application
  • Next, I dip a soft cloth into the solution, wring it out to remove excess water, and gently dab at the dirty area.
  • I’ve learned through trial and error that vigorous scrubbing can damage the faux fur, so I always use a light touch.


What I love about this method is its simplicity and efficiency. It’s excellent for general cleaning and maintenance and helps keep my faux fur steering wheel cover looking its best without causing any damage.

2. White Vinegar and Water Mixture

I turn to a white vinegar and water mixture when dealing with a stubborn stain. Here’s the lowdown:

  • Mixing Instructions

I combine one part white vinegar with two parts water in a bowl. Vinegar is a powerful, natural cleaning agent that can tackle even the most stubborn stains.

  • Stain-Removing Properties

I apply the solution to the stained area using a soft cloth and gently blot. The vinegar works magic, breaking down the stain and restoring the faux fur’s original color.

The Lingering Smell

Now, the one downside to using vinegar is that it can leave a potent smell. But don’t worry – I’ve found that airing out the steering wheel cover after cleaning or using a fabric freshener can effectively mitigate this.

These home remedies have served me well, and I hope they’ll be just as useful for you in maintaining your faux fur steering wheel cover. Just remember – whether you’re dealing with dirt or stubborn stains, a gentle touch is key!

3. Baking Soda Paste

Another method in my arsenal for stain removal on faux fur is using a baking soda paste. Here’s everything you need to know:

  • Creating the Paste

I mix equal parts of baking soda and water in a bowl. It’s a simple equation – one tablespoon of baking soda to one tablespoon of water should be sufficient. You aim for a paste-like consistency thick enough to stick to the faux fur.

  • Applying the Paste

I apply the paste directly onto the stain, spreading it with a soft cloth or my fingers. I then let the paste sit on the stain for at least an hour, sometimes overnight, for those particularly stubborn spots.

After it’s had time to work its magic, I gently brush the dried paste off using a soft-bristle brush.

  • The Deodorizing Effect

What’s great about baking soda is its natural deodorizing properties. It’s excellent for removing any unpleasant odors lingering in the faux fur.

Once, I had left my car windows down during a rainstorm, and my steering wheel cover absorbed some of that damp, musty smell.

Applying this baking soda paste lifted the stain and eliminated the unpleasant odor, leaving my steering wheel cover smelling fresh and clean.

Application Tips for Effective Cleaning

Dealing with stains and dirt over the years, I’ve picked up some general guidelines that can be helpful:

  • Testing the Remedy

Before applying any cleaning method to a large, visible area, I recommend first testing it on a small, inconspicuous part of your faux fur cover. This way, you can ensure the cleaning solution won’t cause discoloration or damage.

  • Drying Methods

After cleaning, I usually let my steering wheel cover air dry, avoiding direct sunlight, which can cause fading.

If I’m in a hurry, I might use a hairdryer in a cool setting to speed up the process. But remember, gentle is the game’s name – too much heat can damage the faux fur.

By following these simple, tried, and true methods, I’ve kept my faux fur steering wheel cover looking as good as new. Happy cleaning!


  • The Importance of Maintenance

Maintaining your faux fur steering wheel cover is essential not only for its aesthetics but also for its longevity.

Over the years, I’ve found that regular cleaning and maintenance keep my steering wheel cover looking as luxurious as the day I got it.

The simple home remedies I’ve shared – vinegar, mild soap, and baking soda – are cost-effective and safe solutions to immaculate your faux fur.

  • Recap of Remedies

In this guide, we’ve covered three crucial methods for cleaning and maintaining faux fur steering wheel covers. First, the vinegar solution is an excellent go-to for general cleaning.

Second, the mild soap method is perfect for tackling those tougher stains. Lastly, baking soda has the power to lift stains and deodorize. These methods are all tried and tested, ensuring that your cover always looks and smells fresh.

  • The Need for Regular Cleaning and Preventative Measures

As with anything, prevention is better than cure. Regular cleaning can help prevent the build-up of dirt and stains, making maintenance easier and more effective.

I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to avoid spillages on your cover, but if they happen, tackle them immediately. This way, you’ll save yourself a lot of scrubbing and worry later.

  • The Impact on Driving Experience and Aesthetics

And let’s not forget, a clean, well-maintained faux fur steering wheel cover can truly elevate your driving experience. Nothing beats the feel of plush faux fur on your hands as you drive, and it certainly adds an irresistible charm to your car’s interiors. You’ll get compliments!

In conclusion, keeping your faux fur steering wheel cover clean is not just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience. So grab your vinegar, soap, or baking soda, and let’s get cleaning!

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