Remove Hand Sanitizer Stains From Leather (3 Home Remedies)

how to remove hand sanitiser from leather

Hand sanitizer is a lifesaver, especially during cold and flu season. But what do you do when it leaves a big, ugly stain on your leather shoes, bags, couch, or chair? Don’t panic! In this article, I will show you how to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather quickly and easily even if you’re not particularly handy.

Leather vs Hand Sanitizer

Before we get started, let’s take a quick look at the two combatants in this battle: leather and hand sanitizer.

Leather is a natural material that comes from the hides of animals. It’s strong, durable, and can be made to look very elegant. Hand sanitizer, on the other hand, is a synthetic material that is used to kill germs and bacteria on our hands.

The most common type of hand sanitizer contains alcohol, which can be very effective at killing germs but also has the unfortunate side effect of staining leather items when it comes into contact with them.

How Does Hand Sanitizer Affect Leather?

Hand sanitizers are alcohol-based products that clean and disinfect your hands. The active ingredient in most hand sanitizers is ethyl alcohol, which is extremely drying to the skin.

While this may sound harmless when it comes to leather, keep in mind that leather is also a living organism; therefore, it can be damaged by the alcohol found in hand sanitizers.

One of the common damages hand sanitizers can do to your leather if not removed timely is it can cause permanent discoloration on your leather.

The color of the stain is dependent on the color of your leather and what’s on the leather. For example, a hand sanitizer stain on white leather will look much different than one would look on light-colored brown leather.

While most of the time the color of the stain is not consistent with anything else in your home, there’s still hope for removing it before permanent damage occurs.

Another issue you would have to deal with if the alcohol in the hand sanitizer is not removed quickly and completely from your leather is it can start to dry out the leather, which will cause it to crack over time.

How To Remove Hand Sanitizer Stains From Leather

Now that you know how bad hand sanitizers are for leather, what can you do if you accidentally spill hand sanitizer on your leather?

Here are some of the best home remedies you can try to remove hand sanitizer from your leather.

1. The White Vinegar Method

One of the most effective ways to remove a hand sanitizer stain on leather is by using white vinegar.

White vinegar can act as a natural disinfectant, which makes it beneficial for removing stains left behind by hand sanitizers.

This method is particularly useful because it is safe to use on most leather products and will not cause any damage to the material itself.

The best part is that white vinegar is relatively cheap and chances are you already have a bottle of it at home – making it one of the effective home remedies for removing hand sanitizer stains from leather.

To use this method,

  • Use a damp rag or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of your leather.
  • Wipe down the area with a clean dry cloth to remove any excess water that might be left behind after wiping it down with a damp rag or cloth (this will help prevent stains from forming).
  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water in an empty spray bottle; shake well before use.
  • Spray the mixture on the affected area and allow it to sit for about a minute before wiping it away with a cloth or paper towels.
  • Blot at stains until they are gone.
  • If the stain is still visible, reapply another coat of white vinegar solution and let it dry again- repeat as needed until all traces of sanitizer have been removed from the leather.

A word of caution: Before using vinegar on any kind of leather, check to make sure that it can handle the acidity. If you are not sure, then use this method with caution and test first in an inconspicuous area to see if there is any adverse effect before proceeding further.

  • Finally, air-dry the leather completely before using it again.

2. The Lemon Juice Method

Lemon juice is another natural disinfectant that can be used to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather. Similar to the white vinegar method, lemon juice is safe to use on most types of leather and will not cause any damage.

The acidic properties in lemon juice can help break down the alcohol in hand sanitizers, which makes it an effective method for removing these types of stains.

I know in some parts of the world, lemon can be very expensive but it still can not be compared to the cost of having to purchase special leather stain removers or completely replacing your leather item.

To use this method,

  • Squeeze the juice from one or two lemons onto a clean cloth.
  • Wipe the surface of your leather with a water-damp cloth or rag to remove any dirt or dust.
  • Apply the lemon juice to a clean cloth and gently rub it into the leather surface in circular motions.
  • Leave for about 30 seconds for the acidity of the lemon juice to work on breaking down the hand sanitizer stains.
  • Do not allow the lemon juice to dry over the leather surface. Allow enough time for the lemon to break down the hand sanitizer stain.
  • Rinse your cleaning cloth and wipe off any excess liquid from your leather item, paying close attention to the areas where you applied the lemon juice.
  • Repeat this process as many times as necessary until all traces of hand sanitizer stains have been removed from your leather item.
  • Apply your regular leather conditioner to the leather following the instructions on the bottle.
  • Allow the leather to air-dry completely.

If you are looking for a more environmentally-friendly option, lemon juice is also a good choice. It can be used to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather without having to worry about any harmful chemicals or toxins.

Just make sure to test this method in an inconspicuous area of your leather item before applying it to the entire surface.

3. Toothpaste And White Vinegar

If you are looking for a more abrasive method to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather, toothpaste and white vinegar can be a good option.

The combination of these two ingredients can help scrub the stain away without causing any damage to the surface of your leather.

While the toothpaste acts as a mild abrasive to help scrub away the stain, the vinegar helps to break down the alcohol in the hand sanitizer.

To use this method,

  • Put some toothpaste on a water-dampened cloth or rag and rub it into the stained leather surface.
  • Gently scrub at the stain and allow it to sit for about 5-10 minutes seconds.
  • Apply more toothpaste as needed until all traces of hand sanitizer stains have been removed from your leather item or until the surface of the stain is completely covered with the toothpaste residue.
  • After the said time, rinse the toothpaste off with a water-dampened cloth or rag.
  • Then, apply white vinegar to a clean cloth and wipe the surface of your leather in circular motions.
  • Leave it on for about 30 seconds for the acidity to work its magic then rinse off with a water-dampened cloth or rag.
  • Apply your regular leather conditioner to the leather following the instructions on the bottle.
  • Allow your leather item to air-dry completely before using it again.

This method is a bit more labor-intensive than other methods but it can be effective in removing stubborn hand sanitizer stains from your leather items.

4. Dish Soap And Coconut Oil

If you are looking for a more natural way to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather, dish soap, and coconut oil can be a good option.

The dish soap will help break down the alcohol in the hand sanitizer while the coconut oil will help condition your leather. When you use this method, you do not have to condition your leather afterward as it will be already well-conditioned.

To use this method,

  • Put 5-10 drops of dish soap into a bowl of warm water.
  • Pour a teaspoon of coconut oil into the soap solution and swish until it is well-mixed.
  • Dip a cloth into the solution and wring out excess water.
  • Gently wipe the leather to remove stains from hand sanitizer or any other stain on your leather.
  • Continue to do this until there is no more stain on your leather.
  • Now use a dry clean cloth or microfiber cloth to buff your leather and give it a shine.

Done! You did it!

The best part about these methods is that they are all-natural and can be used on any type of leather item, from shoes to belts.

You do not have to worry about damaging the surface of your leather items because you will only use a small amount of each ingredient at a time so there is less chance for damage to occur.

Final Words

In conclusion, there are many methods that you can use to remove hand sanitizer stains from leather.

All of these methods are effective and safe to use, but some may be more labor-intensive than others.

The best part is that all of these methods are natural so you do not have to worry about any harmful chemicals or toxins being used on your leather items.

You should try different methods until you find the one that works best for you and your leather item(s).

Remember, if at first, you don’t succeed then try again! You can never fail if you keep trying.

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