9 Home Remedies For Removing Leather Car Seat Smells

how to remove smells from leather car seats

Whether you’re a car enthusiast or not, there’s something about the smell of leather that makes people want to buy it. It has this fresh and refined scent that is hard to put your finger on.

The problem is, leather car seats can get smells in a lot of different ways. This article will give you tips for how to get rid of this stench so your car smells as good as new.

So how do your remove leather car seat smells? You can remove leather car seat odors and smells by diluting white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and then spraying over the leather seats to remove the smells. It is important to use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe off any excess vinegar on the surface of the leather car seats.

Using white vinegar will not only remove the bad odor from your leather car seats but also it will kill any bacteria-causing smells from the leather car seats.

Keep reading this article to find out more about;

  • The different types or categories of smell and odor removers, and
  • Different method on how to use the various types of smell removers to get rid of smells from leather car seats.

Leather Car Seat Smells Vs Different Types Of Smell Removers

Car leather seat smells can be caused by many different things. It could come from the food you eat in your car, or it might even be coming from mold that has started to grow inside of the car itself.

I have covered the topic of “How leather car seats get smells” extensively in an earlier article and you can check it out over here!

The easiest way to get rid of this smell is with a store-bought deodorizer but if you’re looking for a natural way to do this. There are 3 different kinds of odor removers and it is important for you to understand how they work in removing smells from your leather car seats.

These different kinds of smell or odor removers include;

  • Neutralizers
  • Sanitizers
  • Freshener

Let’s take a look at each one of these smell or odor removers in more detail so you can understand how they work.

The Neutralizers

As the name implies, the neutralizer works by transforming the smell into something that is neutral. It does this by breaking down molecules in the air and removing their odor-causing properties.

These molecules are broken down into smaller, odorless particles that do not produce any smell. This is why neutralizers can be used anywhere in your house and car because they won’t leave any other smells behind.

“The Smell Is Transformed Into A Neutral Substance And Does Not Have To Be Washed”.

Examples of neutralizers include:

  • Baking Soda
  • Charcoal Activate
  • Coffee Grounds
  • Zeolite

1. Using Baking Soda To Remove Smells From Leather Car Seats

Baking soda is an awesome neutralizer you can use to get rid of smells from your car leather seat. It has the power to neutralize strong odors and leave behind a crisp, clean scent that is fresh and pleasant.

Baking soda works particularly well against smells that are coming from food stains, pet waste, and even smoke smells.

The best part is that baking soda does not leave behind any scents of its own so it won’t change the smell of your car even if you use it regularly.

This is because it has the ability to absorb moisture and oils so they cannot mix with other smells. When you have baking soda in your car, it will drive away bad odors and leave behind a crisp, clean scent that’s perfect for your car.

You can use baking soda to clean your car, as well as the inside of its leather seats. Another thing that makes baking soda awesome is the fact that it is chemical-free, non-toxic, it is natural, and very affordable.

There are various ways to use baking soda as a neutralizer for your leather car seats smells. Here are 2 easy ways you can use baking soda to neutralize smells and odors from your leather car seats.

Method 1: Baking Soda Pillows

Step One:

  • Take 3 or 4 old socks and fill them up with baking soda to form socks pillows.

Step Two:

  • Place them strategically around the car so they are sitting on top of the seats, in between the seat cushions, and underneath the seats.

Step Three:

  • Leave them in your car overnight so that they can do their magic while you’re sleeping.

Step Four:

  • Take them out in the morning and leave your windows open for a few minutes to let all of that freshness blow out of your car.
  • You can also leave the baking soda pillows in your car while you’re not using them because the smell will still be there when you return.

Method 2: Sprinkle Baking Soda On The Leather Car Seat

Step One:

  • Sprinkle baking soda on your car leather seat, making sure you get it all over the surface.

Step Two:

  • Leave it on for an hour or so and then vacuum the baking soda off of your leather car seat.

Step Three:

  • Leave your windows open for a few minutes to get rid of any baking soda smell left behind.

2. Using Charcoal Activate To Remove Smells From Leather Car Seats

Charcoal activate is an inert material made from charcoal that has been further processed to remove all organic materials (like wood, coal, etc.) and impurities.

It is used as a neutralizer because it has the power to absorb odors and remove them from your car’s air without adding any other smells.

Charcoal activate does well against smells that are coming from cigarette smoke, odors caused by pets, food stains, sweat, mold, and other organic smells.

The best part is you do not need a lot because it has the power to absorb 100 times its weight in odors, which means it will last you a long time.

Like baking soda, charcoal activate can also be used to neutralize odors inside the car, as well as on your leather seats. Using charcoal activate is a chemical-free and non-toxic way of removing smells from leather car seats.

Here is an easy way you can use charcoal activate to remove smells from your leather car seats.

Charcoal Activate Pillows

Step One:

  • Put some charcoal grill briquettes (not the instant kind) in an old sock and tie it up to make a charcoal activate pillow.
  • Make sure your charcoal grill briquettes do not have any lighter fluid on them.

Step Two:

  • Leave two or three charcoal pillows in your car overnight so that they can do their magic while you’re sleeping.
  • You can also leave them permanently in your car so that it continually neutralizes bad smells.

Step Three:

  • Take them out when you feel your leather car seats are no longer smelling bad. Leave your windows open for a few minutes to get rid of any charcoal smell left behind if any at all.

3. Using Coffee Grounds To Remove Smells From Leather Car Seats

Using coffee grounds to remove smells from leather car seats is a natural way of neutralizing bad odors that are lingering on the interior of your car.

Coffee grounds will absorb odors from your leather car seats just like the way charcoal activate and baking soda does.

The best part is that it will leave behind a nice, coffee smell! While I have seen others use the leftover grounds from their morning cup of coffee, I would not recommend using used grounds because they could be dirty and dusty.

One thing you have to have at the back of your mind is that coffee grounds will leave behind a coffee smell so you should only use this if you are okay with that.

Here is how you can use fresh coffee grounds to remove smells from your car leather seats.

Method 1: Coffee Grounds Pillows

Step One:

  • Fill up an old sock or pillow with fresh coffee grounds. Make sure the sock or pillow is clean and dry before you fill it up with coffee grounds.

Step Two:

  • Leave two or three coffee grounds pillows inside your car overnight and let the magic happen.
  • Leave them for a few days before taking them out of your car.

Step Three:

  • Leave your windows open for a few minutes to get rid of any coffee smell left behind if any at all.

Method 2: Sprinkling Coffee Grounds On Leather Car Seats

Important Tip: Only use this method for dark-colored leather car seats to avoid staining.

Also, do not use used coffee grounds.

Finally, make sure your leather car seats do not come into contact with water while the coffee ground is on your leather seats.

Step One:

  • Sprinkle fresh coffee grounds on your leather car seats and spread it evenly with a dry brush.

Step Two:

  • Leave it on for an hour or so and then vacuum the coffee grounds off your seats.

Step Three:

  • Leave your windows open for a few minutes to get rid of any coffee smell left behind.

4. Using Zeolite Rocks

Another natural deodorizer is zeolite, which is a mineral found in lava rocks.

Like charcoal, zeolite also has the power to absorb 100x its weight in bad smells. It can even remove cigarette smoke, which is one of the most difficult odors to remove.

Zeolite comes in two forms: zeolite powder and zeolite gran. While the powder is easy to use, gran has a better absorption ability.

Zeolite also comes in different grades and you should get the type that is the healthiest for your body.

Do not use zeolite if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it can interfere with hormone production in your body.

The main advantage using zeolite has over baking soda, charcoal activate, and the others listed in this article is that zeolite is reusable.

After you’re done using it to absorb smells and odors, you can simply put them on some cardboard and place them in a sunny spot. All the smells, odor, and moisture it absorbed will be removed by the sun.

Here is how you can use zeolite to remove smells from your car leather seats:

Step One:

  • Put some zeolite rocks or grains into a bowl and set the bowl on your leather car seats.

Step Two:

  • Let it sit overnight making sure all your car doors and windows are closed.

Step Three:

  • The next day, remove the bowl of zeolite rocks.

Step Four:

  • You can now put the zeolite stones in the sun for a few hours so that you can reuse them in the future.

The Sanitizers

Sanitizers are used for killing bacteria-causing smells on your leather car seats. The most common sanitizer people use to get rid of smells and odors is normally in aerosol forms.

However, it also contains other chemicals that are not healthy for our skin. A common household ingredient that you can use instead of those toxic aerosol products is rubbing alcohol.

It is a safer alternative and using rubbing alcohol on your leather car seats will sanitize the bacteria-causing smells on your car leather seats.

Another household sanitizer you can use to kill bacteria-causing odor or smells is vinegar. It works great as a sanitizer and can kill those bacteria-causing odors on your leather car seats just like the other products.

To be more precise, you can also use white vinegar, which is just an inexpensive household ingredient that you already have. Just mix it with some water and spray the mixture on your leather car seats.

Here is how you can use rubbing alcohol and vinegar to remove bacteria-causing odors from your car leather seats. Let’s start with Rubbing Alcohol.

Method 1: Rubbing Alcohol

Step One:

  • Dilute the rubbing alcohol with some water and pour it into a spray bottle.

Step Two:

  • Spray the diluted mixture on your car leather seats and use a microfiber cloth to rub it into the leather.

Step Three:

  • Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a dry cloth or towel.

Step Four:

  • Allow your leather car seats to air dry.

Step Five:

  • Apply a leather conditioner to help restore your leather car seats. This is important because rubbing alcohol can dry out the leather and cause it to crack.
  • Now let’s see how you can use white vinegar to remove bacteria-causing odors from your car leather seats.

Method 2: White Vinegar

Step One:

  • Mix white vinegar with some water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then, spray the mixture all over your car leather seats.

Step Two:

  • Use a microfiber cloth to rub it into the small areas of your leather seats.

Step Three:

  • Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a dry cloth or towel.

Step Four:

  • After you are done wiping it off, allow your leather car seats to air dry. And finally, apply a leather conditioner to help restore your leather car seats.


These are not sanitizers neither are they neutralizer. They are sweet scents you put into the air around your leather car seats.

They are simply used for adding a subtle fragrance to your leather car seats so that they smell nice and pleasant.

Fresheners typically contain natural essential oils that are good for our skin and can help improve a person’s mood.

Fresheners come in different forms such as car air fresheners, sprays, and diffusers.

The most common car fresheners you can use to help mask smells on your car leather seats are those that are in the form of sprays.

They are inexpensive and you can find them at any local department store or car accessories shop.

Essential Oils

Step One:

  • Make sure you buy a natural essential oil-based sweet-smelling spray.
  • If you don’t want to spend any money, you can use your favorite natural essential oil and pour it into an unscented spray bottle.

Step Two:

  • Spray the mixture into the air around your car leather seats. This will help mask smells by adding a subtle fragrance to your car’s interior.

Step Three:

  • Repeat this process every once in a while to keep the odors from coming back.

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