Eco-Friendly Boot Care: 3 Natural Waterproofing Methods

how to waterproof faux leather boots

I have learned from experience that wet feet can ruin a hiking trip or day of exploring as an enthusiast of the great outdoors.

Waterproofing faux leather boots is essential for protecting them from water damage and extending their lifespan.

But when it comes to waterproofing, there are plenty of options out there that contain harsh chemicals – which can be bad for both your boots and the environment.

That’s why I was so excited to discover natural methods for waterproofing my own faux leather boots! After experimenting with different techniques, I found three that work best: beeswax, coconut oil, and a mixture of vinegar and olive oil.

Over the years, I have tried and tested these methods, and from my personal experiences battling through rain-soaked trails to unexpected downpours, these natural waterproofing methods have been my go-to solutions, and I can’t wait to pass on the knowledge to help you keep your boots dry too.

In this article, I’m going to share these tips with you so that you can keep your boots looking great without any harmful chemicals or expensive products. So let’s get started!

Method One: Using Beeswax

Beeswax is a natural wax that can be used to waterproof faux leather boots. It’s ideal for creating a protective layer on the surface of your boots, which prevents water from entering and damaging them.

It’s convenient because it’s easy to find, fairly inexpensive, and can be melted down into a liquid form for easy application.

The way I use beeswax for my hiking, walking, and rain boots for best results is by creating my own DIY beeswax boot balm. This simple yet effective method allows me to customize the beeswax mixture to suit all of my faux boots’ specific needs and provides a long-lasting protective barrier against water.

Here’s what you need:

  • Beeswax pellets or grated beeswax
  • Coconut oil or olive oil
  • Essential oil (optional for scent)


Step 1: Melt Beeswax and Mix with Oil

  • To melt beeswax, put some pellets or grated beeswax in a bowl or container that can handle heat.
  • Put the bowl in a pot of hot water on low heat.
  • Once the beeswax is melted, put in an equal amount of either coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Stir until all the ingredients are mixed together.
  • Optional: Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the mixture to make it smell nice.

Step 2: Apply Beeswax Mixture to Boots

  • Let the beeswax mixture cool down a bit, but make sure it doesn’t become solid.
  • To apply the beeswax mixture to your faux leather boots, use a clean cloth or brush and make sure to cover the entire surface evenly.
  • Pay particular attention to seams, stitching, and other places that are likely to allow water to enter.

Step 3: Let Boots Dry

  • To allow the beeswax to solidify and create a protective barrier, I recommended air drying the boots for a few hours or overnight.

Step 4: Buff Boots

  • After the beeswax has completely dried, take a fresh cloth and buff the boots to get rid of any extra wax and enhance their shine.

These steps will guide you in making your own beeswax boot balm that is both natural and effective in waterproofing your faux leather boots.

This method lets you adjust the beeswax mixture according to the requirements of your boots, ensuring that you achieve the most optimal waterproofing outcome for your footwear.

On to the Next Method!

Method Two: Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many uses, including waterproofing non-porous materials like faux leather. It provides a natural barrier that prevents water from penetrating the surface while also softening the material and making it more resistant to cracking.

Here’s what you would need:

  • Coconut oil
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Mild dish soap
  • Water


Step 1: Clean and Dry Boots

  • To begin, make sure to thoroughly clean your faux leather boots to eliminate any surface dirt, dust, or debris.
  • To clean the boots, please use a soft cloth or brush and gently wipe them down.
  • Use a mild dish soap solution and lukewarm water to clean the faux leather boots thoroughly.
  • Make sure the boots are completely dry before proceeding to the next step.
  • Any moisture on the surface may affect the effectiveness of the coconut oil application.

Step 2: Apply Coconut Oil

  • Use a clean cloth or sponge to either scoop a small amount of solid coconut oil or pour a small amount of liquid coconut oil.
  • Apply a thin and even layer of coconut oil onto the surface of the faux leather boots using gentle rubbing motions.
  • Make sure you apply the coating all over the surface, with extra care given to areas such as seams, stitching, and others that can easily allow water to seep in.

Step 3: Let Boots Sit

  • After you apply the coconut oil, leave the boots to sit for a minimum of 30 minutes up to an hour so the faux leather can soak up the oil.
  • The rest period helps the coconut oil create a protective layer on the boots’ surface.

Step 4: Buff Boots

  • To make the boots shiny, use a clean cloth to polish them softly and get rid of any excessive coconut oil.
  • Make sure to buff the boots well to ensure the coconut oil is evenly spread and the surface is smooth and polished.

Step 5: Repeat as Needed

  • To maintain the water-repellent properties of your faux leather boots, you can apply coconut oil periodically.
  • Depending on the quality of the faux leather and how often the boots are worn, the frequency of reapplying may differ.

Method Three: Using Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural ingredient that can also be used to waterproof faux leather boots. It helps condition the surface, sealing out moisture while also giving the boots a glossy finish.

This application is similar to the coconut oil method. Here’s what you would need:

  • Olive oil
  • Soft clothes or sponges
  • Mild dish soap


Step 1: Clean and Dry Boots

  • Just like with the other methods, it’s important to make sure the boots are clean and dry before applying any waterproofing substance on them.
  • Use a soft cloth or brush and mild dish soap solution to eliminate any dirt, dust, and debris present on the boots’ surface.
  • Make sure the boots are completely dry before continuing with the waterproofing process.

Step 2: Apply Olive Oil

  • Take a clean cloth or sponge and either scoop a small amount of solid olive oil or pour a few drops of liquid olive oil.
  • Using gentle rubbing motions, apply a thin and even layer of olive oil onto the surface of your faux leather boots.
  • Make sure you cover all areas, with extra attention given to seams and other places that tend to attract moisture.

Step 3: Let Boots Sit

  • Once the olive oil has been applied to the faux leather boots, let them sit for about 30 minutes to let the surface absorb it.

Step 4: Buff Boots

  • After the rest period is finished, use a clean cloth to softly polish the boots and get rid of any excessive olive oil.
  • Make sure to buff the boots well so that they can have a glossy and smooth finish.

Why Is It Important To Waterproof Faux Leather Boots?

1. Prolonging Lifespan:

To increase the longevity of faux leather boots, it’s advisable to use waterproofing to shield them from water damage.

Frequently exposing faux leather boots to moisture can result in cracking, peeling, and other types of deterioration, which can considerably reduce their durability and lifespan.

Waterproofing can aid in reducing these hazards and maintaining the quality of faux leather boots over time.

2. Comfort and Warmth:

Wearing wet boots can be uncomfortable, and it may lead to cold and damp feet, which is unpleasant, especially in cooler or wetter regions. To keep your feet dry and comfortable, waterproofing is crucial since it provides insulation against cold and dampness.

3. Easy Maintenance:

Boots made of faux leather that has been waterproofed are easier to maintain. This is because the waterproofing creates a protective barrier that prevents dirt, mud, and other debris from sticking to the boots. Therefore, they can maintain their appearance more easily.

4. Versatility:

Faux leather boots that are waterproof can be worn in different weather conditions without the risk of water damage. This makes them suitable for outdoor activities, rainy days, or wet environments, giving you more options to wear your boots with confidence and comfort.

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