Is lemon Juice Bad For Leather? (9 Pros And Cons)

Is lemon Juice Bad For Leather

I love using household items to take care of my leather items and I must say I’m good at it. I have over the years figured out the right ingredients and the proper way to use them so that it really works.

But I must admit some ingredients can be tricky. So in this article, I will discuss one common household ingredient that can be tricky to use on leather; lemon juice! The question I will be answering today is “Is lemon juice bad for leather?”

Generally, lemon juice is not bad for leather as it can be used to remove stains from leather, make dyes of leather, and can be used to prevent mold growth from leather. However, the improper application of lemon juice can cause your leather to be sticky or discolored.

To be able to make an informed decision about whether lemon juice is bad for leather, we are going to take a look at the details of;

  • The pros and cons of lemon juice on leather items,
  • Factors to consider when using lemon juice on leather, and
  • How to safely use lemon juice to on your leather items. Let’s get started!

The Pros of Using Lemon Juice on Leather

1. Leaves A Refreshing Smell On Leather

The scent of leather after using lemon juice is nice and it smells clean. Since the smell of lemon does not linger for long, you can be assured that your leather item will not smell like lemon for long.

Lemon juice is a natural deodorizer and it leaves a clean scent that will make your leather items smell good. This is good because it will not conflict with the usual natural smell of leather.

2. Lemon Juice Has An Antimicrobial Effect On Leather Items

Leather is very porous and it can be a breeding ground for bacteria, yeast, mildew among other microorganisms.

Since lemon juice has an antimicrobial effect, it can be used to kill these microorganisms and keep your leather items clean.

As such, lemon juice can help get rid of any unpleasant smell that is caused by microorganisms on your leather items.

3. Makes Leather Items Shine

Since lemon juice contains citric acid, it makes leather items shine and look as good as new. After you apply lemon juice to your leather, it will make the surface of the item glossy.

This is good because it will make your leather items look clean and well taken care of. But can be a terrible result if you do not want this to happen.

Most people usually would want their leather to have a natural matte feel and look. If you do not want your leather items to look glossy, make sure that some parts of the item are covered while applying lemon juice to other parts.

4. Makes Leather Items More Colorful

Lemon juice can be used to restore the original color of leather. Leather is tanned using chemicals and over time, it may lose its original color.

Lemon juice can be used to restore the original color of leather items because it contains citric acid which is an active ingredient in tannins.

When lemon juice is applied to your leather items, it will make the leather look new and restore its original color.

This is good because it will make your leather items look new and keep them looking that way for long.

5. Lemon Juice Can Prevent The Growth Of Mold

Mold can be a big problem when it comes to leather items. If you want your leather items to stay mold-free, one of the best home remedies lemon juice can be used.

Lemon juice can restore the natural pH of leather items and prevent mold from growing or thriving on your leather items.

This is good because it will ensure that your leather items remain mold-free for a long and look as good as new.

6. Lemon Juice Is Good For Removing Stains From Leather

If you have leather items that are stained, lemon juice can help remove the stains. Lemon juice contains natural bleaching agents that can be used to remove stains on your leather items.

Leather stains are very hard to remove and it may take a lot of effort. Lemon juice can be used as a home remedy for removing stains from leather.

The way it does it is by restoring the natural pH of leather items and making stains look less prominent. When you apply lemon juice, it will not only make remove stains it can also clean the leather.

The Cons of Using Lemon Juice on Leather

1. Lemon Juice Leaves A Sticky Feel On Leather

Leather items are smooth and touching them with your hands is a pleasant experience. However, when you use lemon juice on leather items, it will leave a sticky feeling on them.

Lemon juice has a sticky feel which can make your leather items look dirty. Also, this sticky residue can cause the leather to attract a long of dust, dirt, and debris.

This can make your leather items look more dirty and dusty. In addition, this sticky residue will be difficult to remove from the leather.

2. May Cause Discoloration On Unprotected Leather

Lemon juice can cause discoloration on unprotected leather items. This is because if too much lemon is exposed to leather it may eat into or corrode the leather.

This is bad because it can make your expensive leather items look old and discolored after a short period of time.

3. Lemon Juice Can Cause Dark Spots On Your Leather

The lemon juice can also cause a dark spot to form on your precious leather items if it is left in contact with the leather for too long.

The lemon juice can interfere with the tanning agents or leather protectors present in the fibers.

This is bad because it can make your leather items look worn out and old after a short period of time. In some cases, lemon juice can even dissolve or eat into the leather.

Factors To Consider Before Using Lemon Juice On Leather

There are a number of factors to consider before using lemon juice on leather. The first factor is the type of leather you’re using.

Type Of Leather

If you’re using suede or nubuck, lemon juice can cause serious damage to it. This is because these types of leather are very porous and contain hair follicles.

Lemon juice contains acid and is known to damage hair follicles, this can cause problems like discoloration on your leather items after some time.

This means lemon juice can make your expensive suede or nubuck leather look worn out and old even if you are using it properly.

You should not use lemon juice on leather that does not have a protective treatment or coating because if too much lemon is exposed to the leather it may eat into or corrode your leather items.

How Long The Lemon Juice Sits On The Leather

Another factor to consider is how long the lemon juice sits on your leather items. Leather can breathe so prolonged exposure to a corrosive substance like lemon juice can cause problems.

This is bad because it will destroy the fibers of your leather items and make them look old after a short period of time.

In addition, this corrosive substance can cause dark spots on your leather items if it is allowed to stay in contact for too long.

Is It new, Old or Fragile?

Another factor to consider is whether the leather item you’re using is new, old, or fragile. If your leather items are delicate and not very strong then you should avoid using lemon juice because too much exposure to it can damage your leather items and make them look worn out.

In addition, if your leather items are new and you’re using lemon juice on them, it can cause a bit of discoloration. This is because, when used with a new leather item, lemon juice can interfere with the new finish on the leather.

However, if your leather item is old and you’re using lemon juice on it, there won’t be any issues with discoloration.

How To Use Lemon Juice On Leather

Generally, there are only a few situations in which lemon juice will come in hand for use on your leather items. This will include;

  • When preparing Homemade Dyes
  • Removing Stains
  • Deodorizing Leather

Preparation Of Homemade Dyes

Lemon is useful when you’re making homemade dyes for your leather goods. When preparing homemade dyes, usually rusted metals like nails, bolts, nuts, etc are put in a container with a solution of water and lemon juice.

This causes the metals to rust and turns into a pigment which is used for dyeing leather items, especially when you are making your own leather dye. These dyes are usually very strong and will often turn your light-colored leather into a dark color.

Removing Stains Using Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is also good at removing stains from your leather items which can be caused by ink, wine or blood. This is because lemon juice contains acid which can dissolve the stains on your leather items.

However, if you’re trying to remove an ink stain then you will need to mix the lemon juice with things like salt or baking soda to dilute the acid.

Deodorizing Leather

Lemon juice is also good at removing mold and musty odors from your leather items. This is because lemon juice contains acids that can strip the mold or musty odors.

All you do is mix some lemon juice with water and then use a cotton ball to apply it to the leather items. You should let this sit for 20-30 minutes before you wipe it away with a damp clean cloth.

This process can be repeated as much as you like and this will deodorize your leather items completely.


Q: Can lemon juice remove stains on leather?

A: Yes, lemon juice is good at removing stains from leather items. However, you should not use it on white or light-colored leather as it can turn it into a dark color.

Q: How long do I need to leave lemon juice on my leather?

A: You should never leave lemon juice on leather items for more than 30 minutes. This is because too much exposure to this corrosive substance can damage your leather goods and make them look worn out.

Q: How do I remove lemon juice stains from my leather items?

A: You can remove lemon juice stains from leather by sprinkling some baking soda on the stained area. Then leave it for a few minutes before you wipe it away with a damp cloth.

Q: Is lemon juice good for removing mold?

A: Yes, lemon juice is also effective at removing musty odors from your leather items. However, if you’re trying to remove mold stains then make sure that you mix it with salt or baking soda.

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