9 Reasons Faux Leather Jackets Peel & 5 Easy Ways To Fix It

Faux leather jackets are a great alternative to genuine leather jackets. They are less expensive, come in different styles, and last just as long. However, there is one major downside – they peel! This article will discuss why this happens and what you can do about it so you don’t have to replace your favorite jacket anytime soon.

The most common reasons why faux leather jackets peel is improper care, exposure to extreme heat, and the use of harsh chemical products like fabric protectors that contains silicone or petroleum-based ingredients.

In the rest of this post, you will learn about;

  • The details of why faux leather jackets peel,
  • The best ways to fix peeling faux leather jackets, and
  • Tips on how to prevent faux leather jackets from peeling

Details On Why Do Faux Leather Jackets Peel

Here is a quick breakdown of why faux leather jackets peel:

1. Faux Leather Can Peel From Exposure To Heat

Exposing your faux leather jackets to a lot of heat can cause the adhesive at the back to melt and peel off.

This is why you should avoid using a hairdryer (high heat exposure) or ironing your jacket. The faux leather material itself does not do so well when it comes to heat.

This is because faux leather as a material is often made up of a polyurethane base with a thin layer of plastic coating.

This type of material is more sensitive to heat, so you should avoid exposing your jacket to high temperatures.

If one of the reasons why you are applying heat to your faux leather jacket is to remove creases, make sure you do so by using a low heat setting and put a towel or paper between the iron and faux leather surface.

2. Faux Leather Can Peel From Exposure To Water And High Humidity

Water is another reason why your faux leather jacket might be peeling. Moisture, sweat, and humidity can damage the adhesive at the back of your faux leather jacket.

This will often be the case if you consistently wear your faux leather jacket in very humid or moist environments.

This is because of the combined exposure to moisture and heat, which can weaken and damage the faux leather jacket in a very short period of time.

If you live in a very humid or moist environment, it is best to reduce how much you wear your faux leather jacket or avoid wearing your faux leather jacket altogether when going outdoors.

Also if you’re the kind of person who likes tossing their faux leather jackets into the washing machine this could also cause your faux leather jacket to peel.

When it comes to faux leather jackets, should only clean them by wiping the surface with a dry cloth.

For those of you who want a thorough clean, I will always suggest using a damp cloth and mild soap or water and spot cleaning or gently wipe down your faux leather jacket.

This will help you avoid any unnecessary damage to the adhesive at the back of your faux leather jacket.

3. Faux Leather Can Peel From Improper Storage

Improper storage is also among the leading reasons why your faux leather jacket might be peeling. The adhesives and other materials that hold your faux leather jacket together can come apart when not stored properly.

This is why it’s a good idea to avoid folding or crumpling your faux leather jacket when storing it.

This is because the creases can damage seams and weaken the adhesive at the back of your faux leather jacket.

You should always make your faux leather jackets lay flat or hanged when not in use. You must avoid keeping your faux leather jacket in an enclosed space like a closet or drawer.

If you still want to store it somewhere that is not flat, make sure you avoid crumpling or folding your jacket.

4. Faux Leather Can Peel From Exposure To Chemical Cleaners And Solvents

Most people think because faux leather material unlike real leather is not sensitive to chemicals mainly because it’s largely made of plastic.

This is where people get it all wrong, just because faux leather is not sensitive to chemicals does not mean you can use whatever chemical cleaner you want.

Just like with heat and water, faux leather material is very sensitive to chemicals so using chemical cleaners or solvents can damage your faux leather jacket.

This is why I always suggest using a damp cloth with mild soap or water for cleaning your faux leather material.

When it comes to stains, always spot clean the affected area. Do not apply excessive force on faux leather material as this can cause your faux leather jacket to peel.

If you want a thorough clean, make sure you avoid using harsh chemicals on your faux leather material and just opt for chemical-free home remedies such as:

  • Warm water and mild soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Baking soda, white vinegar, and club soda.

You can also simply take them to a professional dry cleaning service.

5. Faux Leather Can Peel From Improper Care And Maintenance

Improper care and maintenance are also among the leading causes why your faux leather jacket might be peeling. The faux leather material is by far one of the easiest leather materials to take care of.

You don’t need to give it expensive leather treatments or constant conditioning. You do not need harsh chemicals or treatment processes to maintain its look.

You do not need to use abrasive substances like sandpaper to get rid of any scuff marks. All you need is a little bit of common sense and the right faux leather care products to keep your jacket looking new.

You can simply use a damp cloth for cleaning or spot-clean your faux leather jacket. And that’s it!

6. Faux Leather Jackets Peels Due To Aging

In my opinion, this is also one of the leading causes of faux leather jacket peeling. It is common sense that the older your faux leather jacket gets, the more likely it is to look old, lose its color, and peel.

This is because of the natural aging process that almost every material goes through and faux leather is no exception.

This is why it’s highly recommended to always use the right faux leather care products in order to extend its lifespan. Generally, you can expect your faux leather jacket to last you anywhere from five to ten years.

If you keep up on proper storage, care, and maintenance of your faux leather jacket, it can last longer.

So if you are planning on wearing your faux leather jacket for several years, it is imperative that you take good care of it.

In other words, I recommend reading the manufacturer’s instructions on faux leather jacket care and maintenance for best results.

7. Faux Leather Is Not A Hard Wearing Material

This is probably one of the most common misconceptions about faux leather. The truth is, while it may be an easier material to maintain and clean, it is not a hard-wearing material.

Faux leather jackets are by no means ideal for rough use or even normal use in harsh environments. They will initially hold up but will not last you very long if used in such conditions.

This is why I always recommend that they avoid using their faux leather jackets in conditions where they might be exposed to harsh chemicals, water, or excessive heat.

If you are wearing it in winter for example and there is a possibility of snow on the ground, I would recommend wearing some kind of waterproof layer underneath your faux leather jacket.

I personally wear a hoodie or sweater under my faux leather jackets to prevent water from seeping into the material.

Otherwise, you will dramatically shorten its lifespan and chances of it peeling.

I know a lot of my customers are surprised when I recommend them to wear a sweater under their faux leather jackets.

But this is the only way that will keep your faux leather jacket in a good and healthy condition for as long as possible.

8. Fabric Protectant Containing Silicone Or Petroleum-Based Ingredients Can Cause Peeling

The best fabric protectants are water-based, but many of the most popular brands still have petroleum byproducts as key ingredients.

These petroleum-based ingredients seep into the material and bond with it, essentially creating a layer on top of the material.

This is what causes the peeling effect because when you try to remove it with a damp cloth or even scrape it off, you are actually removing the faux leather material as well.

So it is really important to choose a fabric protectant for your faux leather jacket that does not contain petroleum-based ingredients.

Now I do recommend using a fabric protectant in order to keep your faux leather jacket looking new for as long as possible.

However, it is equally important to choose the right one so that you don’t have any issues with peeling later on down the road.

9. Exposure To UV Light (Sunlight) Over Time Causes Faux Leather To Peel

This is a chemical reaction that the materials go through when they are exposed to UV light over time.

The material starts to lose its color, the texture changes and it begins to look dull.

But more importantly, what causes faux leather peeling is that the surface of your faux leather jacket starts to get flaky.

This is because there are layers in it and when they start peeling off, it looks like the material is coming off.

UV rays are one of the main reasons that faux leather jackets peel over time.

Best Ways To Fix Your Peeling Faux Leather Jackets

There are actually several ways in which you can fix your peeling faux leather jackets.

Fabric Adhesive

The easiest and most popular way is to use a fabric adhesive.

This is a special kind of glue that is very strong and can bond the material back together.

It also comes in various colors so it can be used to match the color of your faux leather.

You just need to apply a thin coat over the peeling sections and you will be able to see it work right away.

However, this is not a long-term solution and you should expect the faux leather jacket to peel again in the future.

Spray Painting

You can also use faux leather spray paint to cover up peeling sections of your faux leather jacket. This is a good option if you are afraid of using glue or adhesive to bond the faux leather back together.

However, this is only recommended for small areas of peeling. If you have a larger section that needs to be painted, then the best solution would be to take it into a professional and have them do it for you.

Otherwise, the spray paint will look very cheap and fake because there is a thin layer of faux leather that is peeling.

Re-Dying Your Faux Leather Jacket With A Professional Dyeing Service

One of the most popular and expensive ways is to take your faux leather jacket into a professional dyeing service. They will be able to color match the material and re-dye your faux leather jacket, making it look new again.

However, this is the most expensive option and with good reason because they will have to strip your jacket in order to re-dye it. This is a very advanced process that requires a lot of expertise, experience, and time.

So if you are looking for an easy way to fix your faux leather jacket, then this option is definitely not the best one to go with and will also cost you the most money.

However, if you want it to look as good as new and you are willing to spend the money on it, then this is definitely your best option.

If you are looking for something cheaper, then the spray painting or fabric adhesive options will be better suited to your needs.

Replacing The Peeling Section With A New Piece Of Faux Leather

Another option is to have a professional replace the peeling section with new faux leather material. You can also do this yourself if you’re looking for a DIY solution.

You would need to find someone that can cut out the peeling section and replace it with new faux leather material. This is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to do.

It is also best if you can find someone that has experience in working with faux leather jackets because not everyone knows how to do it well.

If you can find someone that does this kind of work for a living, then they will be able to do it in less time.

If you are looking for an easy way out of this problem, then this option is definitely not the best one for you.

While it does give a good and long-lasting solution, there are other options that are much easier to do and will cost you less money.

Using Permanent Marker To Cover Small Peeling Sections

Another way to fix your faux leather jacket is by using a permanent marker. This solution will only work for small areas of peeling.

You can use a black permanent marker to cover up the peeled sections and make them look new again. You can also color match the marker to the color of your faux leather jacket if you want it to look even better.

This is a pretty cheap way that can be done for free if you already have a permanent marker lying around. However, this will only work for small areas of peeling and it is not recommended for larger sections.

Using a permanent marker is definitely not the best option for fixing your faux leather jacket and it does have its cons. It can be hard to match the color of your faux leather jacket with a permanent marker and it will not last for very long.

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, then this is definitely not the best option for you.

It will need to be redone after some time and it will not last for very long. However, if you are looking for a quick temporary fix that does not cost much money then this is definitely an option to consider.

Tips On How To Prevent Faux Leather Jacket Peeling

  • If your faux leather has already started to peel, then you can use a fabric adhesive to fix it immediately.
  • If you are looking for a long-lasting fix, then it is best if you can get help from someone that works with faux leather jackets as they will know how to fix it properly
  • Always store the jacket in a dry and cool place instead of leaving it out or near anything that might damage the material.
  • Do not allow your faux leather jacket to have too much dirt build up on it.
  • If you find that the faux leather has started to peel, then be sure to immediately stop the peeling by using a fabric adhesive or replacing the peeling section with new faux leather material.
  • Never use harsh chemical cleaners or products on your faux leather jacket.
  • Never use the washing machine or dryer on a faux leather jacket as this can cause damage to it and will not remove the dirt.
  • Only use a clean and soft cloth to wipe off any dirt from your faux leather jacket.
  • If you are planning on wearing your faux leather jacket in very wet weather, then you might want to consider bringing an umbrella with you.
  • When wiping off any dirt, be sure to never use any abrasive sponges like a magic eraser or sandpaper.
  • Never place your faux leather jacket in an area where it will get too much sunlight as the sun will damage it over time.

How To Care For Your Faux Leather Jacket

FAQs About Faux Leather Jackets

Q: How do I know if a faux leather jacket is real or fake?

A: There are many ways to tell whether a faux leather jacket is real or fake. Most companies will put a symbol on the labels or inside of the jacket so that it can be easily found if needed. This symbol will usually say whether the faux leather is real or fake.

Q: Can I wear a faux leather jacket in the rain?

A: Yes, you can absolutely wear your faux leather jacket in the rain. However, it is important that you bring along an umbrella to protect it from getting water damage.

Q: How do I remove small stains on my faux leather jacket?

A: There are many ways to remove small stains on your faux leather jacket. If you have a stain remover product, then this will work great. However, you can also use a little bit of dish soap and water to clean the stains off your faux leather jacket if needed.

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