11 Reasons Patent Leather Gets Sticky & Best Way To Remove It

why does patent leather get sticky

For some people, the idea of wearing patent leather shoes is a dream come true. They are shiny and new, sleek and sexy. However, once you start to wear them for a while, they get sticky! Why does this happen?

Patent leather items get sticky when there are high levels of heat, humid conditions, and salt concentration in the air. Other things like body oil, chemical residues, wax finishes, food, and drink stains can also cause patent leather items to become sticky. The best way to deal with this is by using a patent leather cleaner.

Continue reading this article to find out more about;

  • The details on why patent leather items get sticky,
  • How to prevent patent leather from getting sticky, and
  • The best way to remove any type of stickiness from your patent leather items.

1. Heat or Humidity

Exposure to heat or humidity can result in a sticky surface on patent leather shoes, bags, jackets, or other patent leather goods. This can happen if the patent leather is stored in a hot or humid place for an extended period of time.

The way this happens is that the water molecules in the air bind to the leather. This can be a temporary or permanent issue depending on how much exposure there is to heat and humidity.

When your patent leather items become sticky this way, you can expect your items to be slightly sticky feeling when you touch them with a very dull look.

The best way to avoid this issue is always to store your patent leather items in a cool, dry place to prevent this issue from happening in the first place.

2. High Concentration Of Salt In The Air

Patent leather can also get sticky when there are high concentrations of salt in the air. This can happen when there is a lot of salt in the air from things like wind, snow, and ice.

Also, if you live in a place near the ocean, this can happen if the humidity is high and there are high concentrations of salt in the air.

Patent leather that has become sticky due to salt in the air can be identified by the inconsistency in its shine or appearance and sometimes a salty taste.

Meaning when your patent leather items become sticky this way, you can expect your items to look a lot less shiny and may also have a salty taste.

One of the best ways to deal with this type of situation if you live near the ocean is to clean your patent leather items or surfaces regularly. You can also try to wipe them down with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap.

3. Body Oil

Patent leather can also become sticky when your body oil is on it. This often happens with patent leather items that come into contact with our skin and body perspirations. This occurs naturally the more you use the patent leather item.

When your patent leather items become sticky this way, you can expect to see a dulling of the surface and an increase in stickiness.

Patent leather that becomes sticky because of body oil can be identified by a change in color and texture. It often looks darker and sometimes even slightly crusty to touch.

This type of sticky patent leather can be dealt with by cleaning it regularly with a damp cloth after use.

4. Patent Leather Item May Have Been Waxed

Waxing the patent leather is a way to preserve it and keep it shiny. However, waxing patent leather items like shoes can also cause the surface to become sticky and feel strange when you touch it.

This will especially happen if the waxing is not done properly. This is because waxing patent leather items can cause the surface to become uneven if not done properly.

As a result, there might be some spots where the water molecules are not distributed evenly, which will cause the patent leather to be sticky.

When your patent leather items become sticky this way, you can expect your items to have a sticky feeling when you touch or use them. You can also expect it to be slightly shiny but with inconsistent shine or dull spots all over.

One of the best ways to deal with this type of situation is to make sure your patent leather items are waxed properly by professionals or otherwise.

You can also try to wax them yourself, but make sure you do it properly and don’t use too much product at once as that might also cause uneven distribution.

Also, apply very thin layers of wax and make sure to buff and make each application dry before adding another layer if you have to.

5. Dyes In The Patent Leather

Sometimes dyes in the patent leather can break down and cause the patent leather to become sticky. This often happens when there is a lot of moisture in the air and high temperatures as well.

These conditions can cause the dye in the patent leather to break down and find its way onto the surface of the leather through seams, stitches, and other porous areas.

Patent leather that becomes sticky due to dye from the patent leather can be identified by a change in color. If it is sticky, the color will become uneven and have a dulling effect on your patent leather item.

One of the best ways to deal with this type of situation is to clean your patent leather item regularly. You can also try using a mild soap and water solution followed by wiping down with a dry cloth. In severe instances, you could ask a professional to refinish the surface of your patent leather item to make it look new.

6. Chemicals From Other Materials

When patent leather comes into contact with other materials that contain chemicals, it can become, even more, sticky.

This often happens when your patent leather item comes into contact with liquid chemicals such as solvent, oils, and some lotions. This chemical can simply be in close proximity to the patent leather item or even on the patent leather item itself.

Patent leather that becomes sticky due to chemicals from other materials can be identified by a change in color. If it is sticky, the color will become uneven and have a dulling effect on your patent leather item.

What you need to do when this happens is to clean your patent leather item with water and mild soap.

One of the best ways to prevent this type of issue is to use a soft dry cloth to wipe down your patent leather item after every use.

7. Rubber Soles On Shoes And Boots

Patent leather can also become sticky when rubbed against it. This most commonly happens with shoes or boots that have rubber soles, heels, and other parts that are not made of leather.

As we walk, these rubber parts may sometimes rub against each other and against the patent leather.

This can cause the rubber to stick onto the surfaces of your patent leather items, which will generally result in a scuff or a sticky feeling when you touch them. This will also cause the surface to turn dull and discolored.

What you will need to do when this happens is to clean your patent leather items thoroughly and then try to scrape off the rubber pieces that have stuck onto them. If there is a scuff, you will need to use a leather conditioning cream or wax and some elbow grease to get it out.

8. Patent Leather Cleaners

If your patent leather items become sticky, another possible cause can be the type of cleaners you’re using to clean them.

If you’re using a cleaner that’s not meant for patent leather or other types of leather, it could damage the surface. This is because many cleaners can damage or strip the surface of your patent leather items and cause them to become sticky, dull, discolored, and have other negative effects.

Some cleaners on their own will also leave some sticky residue on the surface of the patent leather, which will make it sticky or leave a greasy feeling when you touch them.

When your items become sticky this way due to the cleaner you’re using, they will attract dirt very quickly and may also have some discoloration.

One of the best ways to deal with this type of situation is to stop using whatever cleaner you’re using and to switch to one that’s designed for use on patent leather.

You can also stop using cleaners altogether if it seems like your patent leather items are becoming sticky because of the cleaner.

9. Aging

If your patent leather items are old, they may start to become sticky over time. This happens because the surface of these types of items can fade and harden as it ages if not taken care of properly.

This occurs due to oxidation, which is when the molecules in the item convert into other substances that cause this type of effect on the surface. When your patent leather items become sticky due to aging, they may also have a dull appearance and darken over time if you don’t take care of them properly.

The best way to avoid this is by ensuring proper care and maintenance. For example, maintain the shine on your patent leather items by regularly applying wax or sealants. You can also prevent oxidation by applying a top coat to your patent leather items before they get sticky.

10. Food And Drink Stains

If you eat or drink while wearing or use your patent leather items, it can cause the surface to become sticky if not taken care of properly. This is because the foods and drinks you consume contain ingredients that can cause stains when they come into contact with your patent leather items.

If this happens, it can cause your patent leather items to become sticky, as well as leave dark or discolored spots on the surface.

One of the best ways to prevent this type of situation is to ensure you don’t eat or drink anything while wearing your patent leather items. Also, be sure not to let any food or drink spill on your patent leather items since they can cause stains.

Better still, you will want to clean any spill or food stain immediately and remove the stains before they set.

If you do not properly clean any food or drink stain on your patent leather items, it may cause further damage and discoloration to the patent leather.

You can also remove food and drink stains from your patent leather items by applying a cleaner that is designed for use on patent leather directly to the stained area.

11. Chemicals

If you use a lot of sprays or chemicals on your patent leather, it can cause the surface to become sticky.

This happens because these chemicals often contain ingredients that attract dirt, grease, and other substances very easily.

This can also cause them to leave a greasy residue on the surface of your patent leather items when you touch or use them after applying them with sprays or cleaning agents.

When this type of situation arises, your patent leather items will become sticky and greasy when you touch them. They can also attract dirt very easily, which means they may get scuffed or scratched quickly over time if not taken care of properly.

One of the best ways to deal with this type of situation is to make sure you do not get too many chemicals on your patent leather items. Also, you want to wipe off any excess residues from your patent leather items.

Best Method For Removing Any Type Of Sticky Residue From Patent Leather

The best way of removing sticky residue from sticky patent leather items is by using a Patent Leather Cleaner meant for removing sticky gunk from patent leather items.

These products are designed to remove sticky substances, dirt, and grime on patent leather items without leaving any residue behind.

They are also safe for regular use on all types of patent leather items and will not cause them to dry out, fade, or become sticky over time.

Be sure to test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the patent leather before you use it to see how it works.

Apart from that, you can also use household items like mild dish soap and rubbing alcohol to remove any sticky residue you might have on the surface of your patent leather items. Here’s how to go about using it;

Using Mild Dish Soap and Rubbing Alcohol

One of the best methods for removing any type of sticky residue from your patent leather items is to use mild dish soap and rubbing alcohol. While the rubbing alcohol removes the sticky residue, the dish soap breaks down any oil in the mixture.

Step One:

You will want to start by mixing a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water in a bowl. You can then apply this solution to your patent leather item directly with an old cloth or soft-bristled brush if the surface is very dirty and sticky.

Step Two:

Wipe off the soap residue with a clean, damp cloth.

Step Three:

Next, you will need to soak a clean cloth in rubbing alcohol and apply it directly over the sticky residue until it dissolves.

You should then wipe off the alcohol residue with another clean, dry cloth to remove any excess residues.

You may need to repeat this process until you are able to remove all of the sticky residues.

Step Four:

Leave the patent leather item to airdry for a few hours.

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